Friday, June 19, 2009

How do you hang up your skirt?

So I was sitting in my bedroom the tonight, a bit depressed that I have actually got a pile of clean clothes sitting in the floor now. They were on my bed, but I had to move them to the floor in order to go to bed.

Now I know that my last post was about keeping the bedroom clean and hanging things back up after you are done using them, but let me explain how I got here. I mean, I am not ignoring my advice (at least intentionally). It's the summers fault.

Summer has begun and I have 4 boys, 3 of which play baseball. That means that I am at the ball field every night of the week. I am working during the day, so I am feeling lucky that I manage dinner, though we have eaten out a lot this month. In this report people claim eating out as a luxury they are willing to give up and I would normally agree, but not this month for me and my family. I am just barely doing enough laundry to keep us going from day to day.

Anyways, you may ask what does all of this have to do with the title of the post. Quite simply, I am sitting on the bed knowing that I need to hang the clothes up, but I am refusing to hang up my skirts. It does me know good to hang them up because they just fall off the hanger anyways. I am debating on what to do. Though I know what the answer is, I thought I might ask for some input from the web community. In reality, I know that the best solution to my problem would be to buy some wooden skirt hangers, such as these ones here. I am not sure that I need that many though so I might see if my family members want to go in on a box of them together and that would make it so much easier to decide to just do it.

Give me your input on what you think. Thanks :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Clothing Tip: Keep Them Looking Nice!

Here's today's simple clothing tip: keep your clothes looking nice!

It really doesn't take a whole lot to keep your clothes looking nice. Rather than throwing your clothes on the floor before you go to bed, either hang them back up or put them in the hamper.

I don't think that too many of us really enjoy looking frumpy. I mean really, do you want to look like you just woke up, grabbed a crumpled shirt off the floor, and threw it on as you ran out the door? Definitely not the way to give people the right impression of who you are!

You should also have a nice set of hangers for your nicer clothes. If you have a suit or other business attire, make sure to take especially good care of those clothes. Everyone should have a set of nice coat hangers for their suit jackets and nicer coats. A good set of coat hangers will help the shoulders to keep their shape.

If you aren't in the habit of doing these things it may take a little while to get used to it. But there are a number of great benefits to it. For example, if company comes over or you want to show your girlfriend/boyfriend your place, you won't have to do a quick cleanup since most of it will already be done. And you'll know where things are once you get used to it as well!

This may seem like a simple thing, but you'll find that if you take good care of your clothes you'll not only look better but you'll be better as well. There's something about knowing that you look good that makes a person do even better in their job, relationships, and anything else. So take that extra couple of minutes to take care of your clothes so they can help take care of you!

Other resources:
How to Keep Old Clothes Looking Good
How to Clean Your Room